As we all know that when we pass board exam,after that we have to select our career option whether to take science or commerce and we decide it according to our interest but we should also think of it's future benefits like wii it be beneficial to get a job.Because we all know that after completing school,we enter in college life with a hope of doing something new and
achieve the goals which we are dreaming since chilhood.But we should also make sure that whatever is our dreams it must be converted into real by putting efforts and knowledge which we gain during our college life.
This is not enough to get a job,in today's scenario we can see that colleges are just making money in the name of education.When we are giving entrance test of engineering,medical or mangement they are charging us money in the name of infrastructure improvement or some way or the other.After investing so many lakhs of money in engeenering,medical and management what we
are getting unmployment.Why this problem is increasing day by day? ,who is responsible for it?
The answer for this question everybody knows and it is corruption in education system.Nowadays
anybody can get approval of government to open university and college just by paying money.Government doesn't bother what type of education they are providing to the students,students are not getting jobs after doing,mba and mbbs this is because of the loop hole in education system because colleges are not providing proper guidance to the students.They are hiring faculties who have just passed,mba or here the students are teaching students and this is the basic reason the students are not able to fulfill the criteria of industries.Except iitians,niitians and some government colleges ,all colleges students are facing same problem,so it's our responsibilty to save our friends and family members from joining this type of college.
Many institutes are taking benefit of unemployed student or you can say freshers.Institutes are
taking money in the name of training cum placement but they are only giving training and after that saying your performance is not good we can't keep you as a employee.
But friends you don't need to worry,I m providing you details of government jobs,bank jobs,mba jobs and it keep visiting my blog for new jobs.
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